Dr. Eunju (Michele) Bang is a licensed Acupuncturist by the state of California. She earned her Doctorate of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (DAOM) and Master’s degree of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from the University of East-West Medicine (UEWM). During her Master’s, she had an internship at UEWM. Post graduation, Bang also had an Externship at Medi-points Acupuncture under Samantha Moon L.Ac.
방은주 한의사는 UEWM (University of East-West Medicine) 에서 한의사 석사, 박사과정을 마치고 캘리포니아 한의사 자격증을 취득했습니다. 석사과정 및 박사과정에서 인턴과정을 수련하였고 특별히 Medi-points Acupuncture 에서 무수한 임상경험을 하였습니다.